Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Molniya 0.2

Molniya 0.2 is now available. New in this release:
  • Molniya will track notifications that would have been sent while you were away or offline, and summarize them for you when you come back.
  • When you ask Molniya to re-check a service with check host/service or @3 check, it will issue a check command to Nagios, then poll until the newly checked service status is available. Once it sees that, it will report it to you.
  • Problem hosts are included in status reporting.
There are also a variety of internal improvements to the code: command handling is modularized, and a lot of the Nagios data representations are cleaned up.

It's been downloaded a whopping three times so far; two for 0.1 and one for 0.2. Running it out of Subversion should be a pretty reasonable choice as well; whatever is in Subversion is running on my own network, so it can't be too broken.

Next up: downtime scheduling, custom notifications, listing services and things, and possibly broadcast messages.

Suggestions and patches are welcomed; use Google Code's issue reporting.

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