Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Molniya 0.2

Molniya 0.2 is now available. New in this release:
  • Molniya will track notifications that would have been sent while you were away or offline, and summarize them for you when you come back.
  • When you ask Molniya to re-check a service with check host/service or @3 check, it will issue a check command to Nagios, then poll until the newly checked service status is available. Once it sees that, it will report it to you.
  • Problem hosts are included in status reporting.
There are also a variety of internal improvements to the code: command handling is modularized, and a lot of the Nagios data representations are cleaned up.

It's been downloaded a whopping three times so far; two for 0.1 and one for 0.2. Running it out of Subversion should be a pretty reasonable choice as well; whatever is in Subversion is running on my own network, so it can't be too broken.

Next up: downtime scheduling, custom notifications, listing services and things, and possibly broadcast messages.

Suggestions and patches are welcomed; use Google Code's issue reporting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Initial release of Molniya

I am happy to announce the first-ever release of my Nagios IM gateway software, Molniya. First and foremost, it lets you receive Nagios problem notifications as instant messages instead of inbox-clogging floods of email (or worse, SMS messages). Beyond that, you can also ask it for a status report on any problems Nagios currently knows about, force service checks, and acknowledge problems. From the command summary:

Nagios switchboard commands:
status: get a status report
check <host | host/svc>: force a check of the named host or service
You can respond to a notification with its @ number, like so:
@N ack [message]: acknowledge a host or service problem, with optional message
@N check: force a check of the host or service referred to

I've been running this code and its predecessors at work for quite a while now, and it works well. I'm actively adding features; problem acknowledgement just went in this afternoon, for instance.

The code has plenty of room for improvement; expect major revisions to the way commands are handled and messages are formatted, among other things. Patches, feature requests, and especially "it doesn't work on my machine" reports are all welcome.

You can download version 0.1.