Well, for the second time this month, Safari has crashed out from under me. For some people, this wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, I tend to keep 20 or 30 browser windows open at a time; these include my reading queue, all the articles I've found interesting but not actually gotten around to reading yet. Losing my assortment of Ruby documentation windows, last week's leftover Google search result pages, and the odd YouTube video is no big deal. Losing my reading queue is profoundly irritating.
I solved this once, in a previous job doing a lot of Apple Event automation, with Hamish Sanderson's excellent appscript library. It only took a little Python cron job to dump out the URLs of all my browser windows into a file, or if Safari wasn't running, launch it and load them in. In practice, though, it meant that I'd end up with two-month-old articles stuffed into the end of the Dock, and Safari eating half of my PowerBook's memory.
I've periodically tried using del.icio.us more aggressively, adding stuff I mean to read as well as stuff I've read and found valuable, but it just seems unnatural; I can't categorize things well if I haven't read them, and they go straight out of sight, out of mind.
So then what? Ideally, this would be integrated with my feed reader; maybe Google Reader's starred item scheme would work? But Google Reader is too slow, and I sure like NetNewsWire Lite. Maybe it's time for a little side project, to invent a reading-list manager?
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